books Here are the 10 books I read in May. A few notes on the books this month:

I’ve seen The Last Animal and Icebreaker all over. They were both ok. Didn’t love them as much as it seems everyone else has. I enjoyed Expiration Dates. I loved Serle’s other book In Five Years, so I was glad it had her same lovely touch to this one. Wrong Place, Wrong Time and First Lie Wins were not favorites. Didn’t love either of them and was hoping for better twisty endings. #murdertrending I read with my oldest. It was a little gory at first and then by the end it was just kind of silly. The Paradise Problem I loved and was hilarious and so cute. Whatshisface was dumb, but I read it because my middle asked me to. She agreed it was kind of dumb. LOVED Watering The Soul and can’t wait to read more of her poetry books. Home Is Where The Bodies Are was a book a friend and I both bought when we were out shopping. It has the most unique cover (that looks like a VHS tape and a sleeve for it, too!) It was slightly predictable, but fun to read with a friend.

Here are the books I read this month. Check out my Goodreads page for ⭐️ ratings of these books. I hope you find something that looks interesting to you.

Total books for the year: 47

  1. 🎧 The Last Animal by Ramona Ausubel
  2. 🎧 Icebreaker by Hannah Grace
  3. 🎧 Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle
  4. 🎧 Wrong Place, Wrong Time by Gillian McAllister
  5. 🎧 First Lie Wins by Ashley Elston
  6. 📖📱 #murdertrending by Gretchen McNeil
  7. 🎧 The Paradise Problem by Christina Lauren
  8. 🎧 Whatshisface by Gordon Korman
  9. 📱 Watering The Soul by Courtney Peppernell
  10. 📖📱 Home Is Where The Bodies Are by Jeneva Rose

– Book Key –
🎧 - Audiobook
📖 - paperback/hardcover
📱 - ebook
👩‍👧‍👦 - read with kids


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