Distance Learning

We have had a lot of decisions that have needed to be made recently as we are getting closer to being done building our house. But one decision that was really weighing on me was what we were going to do in the fall when school started. I was constantly thinking about it and was so relieved when we finally chose.
We opted for full time distance learning.
There was a lot of thought and consideration that went into this decision. I don’t feel like ANY of the options are perfect right now. Because none of them are normal (although, maybe this is our new normal). But our district is quite small and had made the decision to start K-4 in-person full time. That was not an option that made us comfortable. Had we started in a hybrid model, we might have considered that more, but that was not how they are planning to start.
I was also not interested in homeschooling the children. I know a lot of friends that have pulled their kids from their districts and chosen homeschooling. And I think that is a great option. But for ME? I don’t think I would have enjoyed figuring out their curriculum and being their sole teacher. It wasn’t something that was appealing and I still have a job that I do remotely that I am not willing to give up. And I am extremely grateful for being able to work from home so I can have the option to choose distance learning.
With distance learning, I like that they are still getting guidance and required school-related work from a licensed teacher. They know what is best for their age levels and can do things appropriately to make sure that they aren’t missing something. I am happy to be their helper or even tutor, but I didn’t want the title of teacher. I think teaching them on my own would have quickly lost its appeal fairly quickly.
Our oldest and youngest children wanted distance learning. They are still very hesitant to be around people full time…as am I! My middle child did initially want to go back to school. Then we told her all the ways it would be different from what she was expecting and she said “nope. That isn’t something I would enjoy.”
The other part of opting into distance learning is that we are doing it for the first quarter. We have a way to see how in-person learning is being handled and going with students and teachers heading back to school without being the medical guinea pigs ourselves. We can then reassess in November and decide if we want to do this longer or pursue in-person or hybrid…depending on what the school is doing at that time.
Overall, Im just so happy to have a decision made. And one that doesn’t also add more anxiety to my mental health right now. We have done distance learning at the end of last year. It doesn’t feel scary. And I know that there will be some changes to what we were all thrown into at the end of last year. We are also in a new district and excited to be a part of something new to us.
I must also say a HUGE thank you to all the teachers who are learning how to do distnace learning better, who are reluctant to go back to work in schools right now, but are doing so to help children and families in ways that they need, and to all the staff in districts who are really trying to accommodate everyone. This is such a confusing time and the efforts they are making are not going unnoticed.
Ponder This:
- What have you decided to do for the school year? No judgement here because I know that there is no perfect option right now.
- Are you nervous (or happy, or upset) about what your school/district decided?