Back At Work

I’ve recently been going into the office for work now that the kids have been back at school. It has been so wonderful!
I came outside to leave while the kids were waiting for the bus with Chuck and was told I looked different…I was wearing clothes people wear to go to work. Which honestly was jeans, a shirt, a sweater (all things I usually wear), but I had added a necklace and high heels. They were flabbergasted. I was happy as a clam to be wearing heels even when most people at the office don’t dress up.
It has felt so good to get out and be a contributing person in society. I have been in such a rut emotionally feeling like I don’t know if I’m smart enough to go back to work. It is so nice to use some brain cells that I fell have been wasted for so long.
I am tired from all the mental exercise my brain has been doing learning all sorts of new tasks while I help out. But it is also teaching me that I am still teachable and I can learn and there is hope for me to be back out in the world.
And I really enjoy it. I have been loving going into the office, seeing other people and just having something to do that feels like mine. Just going in a few times over the last few months has been so wonderful for me and I know that working more is something I definitely want to do.
So, I will fill in for this maternity leave in a couple months and then see where the future takes me. I’m not feeling like I need to figure it all out this second, but I am confident that good things are in the future.