Happy Birthday (and Anniversary) To Me

Happy Birthday to me! My 43rd bday and our 19th wedding anniversary was today.
We celebrated by opening presents, playing a game, going to lunch, voting early, getting a carwash, taking a kid to Target, hockey practice and falling asleep early on the couch.
On Saturday, my work took everyone and a guest to the MN Wild game. We were done 0-3 in the first 9 minutes, but came back to win in a shootout. It was a great time!
I can’t believe it’s been 19 years! I still feel like I’m not old enough to have been married that long. :) Pretty soon we will have been together longer than we haven’t been together. That feels like an exciting milestone. I’m glad he still puts up with all my nonsense and I wouldn’t want to do this crazy life with anyone else.