DNF I never find it easy to decide to stop reading a book. When I first think that I’m not into it, I usually give it just a little longer. Then I either continue or realize I’m just not feeling it.

Last year I finally decided to embrace the idea of not finishing a book (AKA – DNF or Did Not Finish). I like to keep track of the ones I don’t finish because sometimes, at a different time in life, it will be the right book and something I really enjoy. These are the books I didn’t finish last year.

I like to just keep a list of books I have read and those I have marked as DNF. Then I can look back on them as the year goes on or later in the future. And maybe these are books you have started and felt similarly about them.

One of the reasons I chose to do this in the first place is because I read/listen to A LOT of books. And if I’m not paying attention, don’t care about the book/plot/characters, or am just not enjoying it I know that I have many others that I am looking forward to reading. So I move on.

Here’s a secret. The world doesn’t end when you decide not to finish a book. The author doesn’t put you on a naughty list and people aren’t judging you. I am certan no one cares (except maybe you) if you don’t finish a book.

Your time is valuable, so if you aren’t feeling a book, stop. Spend your precious time on something you are enjoying.

Here are the books that I DNF and just couldn’t get into this year.


header Ponder This:

  • What are your feelings on not finishing books?
  • What are some books you never finished?
  • Do you ever go back and try again with books your couldn’t get through the first time?
  • Have you read any of these books I didn’t finish? Did you like them? Dislike them?